Chiemgau Classic Flight
ab 140,00 €
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Personally written reviews reflect real experiences. They give you insights that you won’t find in standardized texts. These reviews will help you make an informed decision by showing you the honest opinions and experiences of other customers who want to take a tandem flight with us.
Have you had any tandem flying experiences in Chiemgau that you would like to share? Your opinion is important to us and helps others to make informed decisions. Write your own review today and become part of our community.
If something didn’t go as you imagined, just write to us quickly and easily by email: or in the WhatsApp chat
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Happy flight customer reports!
Of course, we can tell you a lot about our most beautiful pastime. But you are welcome to listen to our real customer testimonials.
Eine sehr freundliche Beratung und den Gutschein habe ich pünktlich erhalten.
Tandemfliegen Chiemgau kann ich zu 100% weiterempfehlen.